AI Writer, Content Ideas Generatorand Writing Assistant
Made for Google Docs
What others say
Good content is king because it is the fuel for a brand's success in the digital age.
Content is at the heart of any marketing strategy because it's what grabs customers' attention and builds relationships with them.
Good content is the cornerstone of successful marketing and an important bridge between businesses and customers.
How does it work?

With GhostWryter, you can easily use artificial intelligence to write your SEO texts, blog posts and other marketing content. And all this at unbeatable conditions. Ghostwryter is specially made for Google Docs. It helps you automatically generate a variety of high-quality content in just a few seconds at a fraction of the cost.
Texts generated directly with GhostWryter and your own OpenAI License Key are extremely cheap for you. For 1,000 tokens (the unit of OpenAI) you pay only 0.02$ (2 cents). This applies to the most advanced Davinci model. You can think of the tokens as word parts, where 1,000 tokens correspond to about 750 words. So for just one dollar you can generate about 37,500 words.
You can’t buy the help of artificial intelligence for writing your texts any cheaper. Start using Ghostwryter to automate your writing today and save time & money!